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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Get the status of the applications in domain

In most of WebLogic domain environments we might have seen multiple applications deployed on WebLogic servers. It is difficult to check their status when server uses high CPU utilization. We can get the complete details by giving one input i.e., target-name.

We use navigate MBean tree more frequently while using interactive mode of WLST and in scripting. Here we can call any attribute from any MBean tree by using colon ':' at the MBean tree root. Here we go with a sample of  for you who struggling to understand navigate each and every time.

Please check the below code snippet and you can change as per your requirement.


# This script will get you status  applications which are deployed 

# in the Domain.         

# script get you the colorful output                         

# NOTE : You need to give target name as an input to the script                

# Author: Krishna Sumanth Naishadam                         


import sys





for i in apps:





    if(sts == "STATE_ACTIVE"):

        print "\033[1;32m Status of " + i.getApplicationName() + ": " + sts + "\033[1;m"


        print "\033[1;31m Status of " + i.getApplicationName() + ": " + sts + "\033[1;m"




# set up common environment

. "${WL_HOME}/server/bin/"


read -p "Enter Target Name : " value1

"${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" -Xmx124m -Dprod.props.file=${WL_HOME}/ weblogic.WLST $value1 $*

The lifecycle of deployment process happen in the following way:

The following Colors I had chosen for reflecting what state for a application on a server.
Status of APPNAME1: STATE_ACTIVE (Green Color)
Status of APPNAME2: STATE_FAILED (Red Color)
Status of APPNAME3: STATE_NEW (Red Color)

Java : Convert File Object in to Byte Array

The below function helps you quickly convert File Object in to Byte Array and it's works perfectly.

public static byte[] getBytesFromFile(File file) throws IOException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);

// Get the size of the file
long length = file.length();

if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
// File is too large

// Create the byte array to hold the data
byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) length];

// Read in the bytes
int offset = 0;
int numRead = 0;
while (offset < bytes.length
&& (numRead =, offset, bytes.length - offset)) >= 0) {
offset += numRead;

// Ensure all the bytes have been read in
if (offset < bytes.length) {
throw new IOException("Could not completely read file "
+ file.getName());

// Close the input stream and return bytes
return bytes;

Understanding information content with Apache Tika


In this post , the Apache Tika framework and explain its concepts (e.g., N-gram, parsing, mime detection, and content analysis) via illustrative examples that should be applicable to not only seasoned software developers but to beginners to content analysis and programming as well. We assume you have a working knowledge of the Java™ programming language and plenty of content to analyze.
Throughout this tutorial, you will learn:
  • Apache Tika's API, most relevant modules, and related functions
  • Apache Nutch (one of the progenitors of Tika) and its NgramProfiler and LanguageIdentifier classes, which have recently been ported to Tika
  • cpdetector, the code page detector project, and its functionality
What is Apache Tika?

As Apache Tika's site suggests, Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and structured text content from various documents using existing parser libraries.

The parser interface

The org.apache.tika.parser.Parser interface is the key component of Apache Tika. It hides the complexity of different file formats and parsing libraries while providing a simple and powerful mechanism for client applications to extract structured text content and metadata from all sorts of documents. All this is achieved with a single method:
void parse(InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler, Metadata metadata)
    throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException;

The parse method takes the document to be parsed and related metadata as input, and outputs the results as XHTML SAX events and extra metadata. The main criteria that led to this design are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Criteria for Tika parsing design

Criterion Explanation
Streamed parsing The interface should require neither the client application nor the parser implementation to keep the full document content in memory or spooled to disk. This allows even huge documents to be parsed without excessive resource requirements.
Structured content A parser implementation should be able to include structural information (headings, links, etc.) in the extracted content. A client application can use this information, for example, to better judge the relevance of different parts of the parsed document.
Input metadata A client application should be able to include metadata like the file name or declared content type with the document to be parsed. The parser implementation can use this information to better guide the parsing process.
Output metadata A parser implementation should be able to return document metadata in addition to document content. Many document formats contain metadata, such as the name of the author, that may be useful to client applications.

These criteria are reflected in the arguments of the parse method.

Document InputStream

The first argument is an InputStream for reading the document to be parsed.
If this document stream cannot be read, parsing stops and the thrown IOException is passed up to the client application. If the stream can be read but not parsed (if the document is corrupted, for example), the parser throws a TikaException.
The parser implementation will consume this stream, but will not close it. Closing the stream is the responsibility of the client application that opened it initially. Listing 1 shows the recommended pattern for using streams with the parse method.

Listing 1. Recommended pattern for using streams with the parse method

InputStream stream = ...;      // open the stream
try {
    parser.parse(stream, ...); // parse the stream
} finally {
    stream.close();            // close the stream

XHTML SAX events

The parsed content of the document stream is returned to the client application as a sequence of XHTML SAX events. XHTML is used to express structured content of the document, and SAX events enable streamed processing. Note that the XHTML format is used here only to convey structural information, not to render the documents for browsing.
The XHTML SAX events produced by the parser implementation are sent to a ContentHandler instance given to the parse method. If the content handler fails to process an event, parsing stops and the thrown SAXException is passed up to the client application.
Listing 2 shows the overall structure of the generated event stream (with indenting added for clarity).

Listing 2. Structure of the generated event stream

<html xmlns="">

Parser implementations typically use the XHTMLContentHandler utility class to generate the XHTML output. Dealing with the raw SAX events can be complex, so Apache Tika (since V0.2) comes with several utility classes that can be used to process and convert the event stream to other representations.
For example, the BodyContentHandler class can be used to extract just the body part of the XHTML output and feed it as SAX events to another content handler or as characters to an output stream, a writer, or simply a string. The following code snippet parses a document from the standard input stream and outputs the extracted text content to standard output:
ContentHandler handler = new BodyContentHandler(System.out);
parser.parse(, handler, ...);

Another useful class is ParsingReader that uses a background thread to parse the document and returns the extracted text content as a character stream.

Listing 3. Example of the ParsingReader

InputStream stream = ...; // the document to be parsed
Reader reader = new ParsingReader(parser, stream, ...);
try {
 ...; // read the document text using the reader
} finally {
 reader.close(); // the document stream is closed automatically

Document metadata

The final argument to the parse method is used to pass document metadata in and out of the parser. Document metadata is expressed as a metadata object.
Table 2 lists some of the more interesting metadata properties.

Table 2. Metadata properties
Property Description
Metadata.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY The name of the file or resource that contains the document — A client application can set this property to allow the parser to use file name heuristics to determine the format of the document. The parser implementation may set this property if the file format contains the canonical name of the file (the GZIP format has a slot for the file name, for example).
Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE The declared content type of the document — A client application can set this property based on, such as an HTTP Content-Type header. The declared content type may help the parser to correctly interpret the document. The parser implementation sets this property to the content type according to which the document was parsed.
Metadata.TITLE The title of the document — The parser implementation sets this property if the document format contains an explicit title field.
Metadata.AUTHOR The name of the author of the document — The parser implementation sets this property if the document format contains an explicit author field.

Note that metadata handling is still being discussed by the Apache Tika development team, and it is likely that there will be some (backwards-incompatible) changes in metadata handling before Tika V1.0.

Parser implementations

Apache Tika comes with a number of parser classes for parsing various document formats, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Tika parser classes
Format Description
Microsoft® Excel® (application/ Excel spreadsheet support is available in all versions of Tika and is based on the HSSF library from POI.
Microsoft Word® (application/msword) Word document support is available in all versions of Tika and is based on the HWPF library from POI.
Microsoft PowerPoint® (application/ PowerPoint presentation support is available in all versions of Tika and is based on the HSLF library from POI.
Microsoft Visio® (application/vnd.visio) Visio diagram support was added in Tika V0.2 and is based on the HDGF library from POI.
Microsoft Outlook® (application/ Outlook message support was added in Tika V0.2 and is based on the HSMF library from POI.
GZIP compression (application/x-gzip) GZIP support was added in Tika V0.2 and is based on the GZIPInputStream class in the Java 5 class library.
bzip2 compression (application/x-bzip) bzip2 support was added in Tika V0.2 and is based on bzip2 parsing code from Apache Ant, which was originally based on work by Keiron Liddle from Aftex Software.
MP3 audio (audio/mpeg) The parsing of ID3v1 tags from MP3 files was added in Tika V0.2. If found, the following metadata is extracted and set:
  • TITLE Title
  • SUBJECT Subject
MIDI audio (audio/midi) Tika uses the MIDI support in to parse MIDI sequence files. Many karaoke file formats are based on MIDI and contain lyrics as embedded text tracks that Tika knows how to extract.
Wave audio (audio/basic) Tika supports sampled wave audio (.wav files, etc.) using the package. Only sampling metadata is extracted.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) (application/xml) Tika uses the javax.xml classes to parse XML files.
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) (text/html) Tika uses the CyberNeko library to parse HTML files.
Images (image/*) Tika uses the javax.imageio classes to extract metadata from image files.
Java class files The parsing of Java class files is based on the ASM library and work by Dave Brosius in JCR-1522.
Java Archive Files The parsing of JAR files is performed using a combination of the ZIP and Java class file parsers.
OpenDocument (application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.*) Tika uses the built-in ZIP and XML features in the Java language to parse the OpenDocument document types used most notably by OpenOffice V2.0 and higher. The older OpenOffice V1.0 formats are also supported, although they are currently not auto-detected as well as the newer formats.
Plain text (text/plain) Tika uses the International Components for Unicode Java library (ICU4J) to parse plain text.
Portable Document Format (PDF) (application/pdf) Tika uses the PDFBox library to parse PDF documents.
Rich Text Format (RTF) (application/rtf) Tika uses Java's built-in Swing library to parse RTF documents.
TAR (application/x-tar) Tika uses an adapted version of the TAR parsing code from Apache Ant to parse TAR files. The TAR code is based on work by Timothy Gerard Endres.
ZIP (application/zip) Tika uses Java's built-in ZIP classes to parse ZIP files.

You can also extend Apache Tika with your own parsers, and any contributions to Tika are welcome. The goal of Tika is to reuse existing parser libraries like Apache PDFBox or Apache POI as much as possible, so most of the parser classes in Tika are adapters to such external libraries.
Apache Tika also contains some general-purpose parser implementations that are not targeted at any specific document formats. The most notable of these is the AutoDetectParser class that encapsulates all Tika functionality into a single parser that can handle any type of document. This parser will automatically determine the type of the incoming document based on various heuristics and will then parse the document accordingly.
Now it's time for hands-on activities. Here are the classes we will develop throughout our tutorial:
  1. BudgetScramble — Shows how to use Apache Tika metadata to determine which document has been changed recently and when.
  2. TikaMetadata — Shows how to get all Apache Tika metadata of a specific document, even if there is no data (just to display all metadata types).
  3. TikaMimeType — Shows how to use Apache Tika's mimetypes to detect the mimetype of a particular document.
  4. TikaExtractText — Shows Apache Tika's text-extraction capabilities and saves extracted text as an appropriate file.
  5. LanguageDetector — Introduces the Nutch language's identification ability to identify the language of particular content.
  6. Summary — Sums up Tika features, such as MimeType, content charset detection, and metadata. In addition, it introduces cpdetector functionality to determine a file's charset encoding. Finally, it shows Nutch's language identification in process.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Weblogic portal 10.3.1 framework and UCM 10gR3 code works in Jdeveloper?

Question :

We are using weblogic portal 10.3.1 framework and UCM 10gR3. Now we want to use Jdeveloper (because we can integrate site studio using plugin) instead of weblogic workshop.
So my question is does the existing code works in Jdeveloper (because it supports Webcenter portal)?.

Answer :

No. Eclipse/Worskhop is the development IDE for WLP. While you can probably edit many of the WLP artifacts in JDeveloper, since they're mostly XML files, JDeveloper won't understand the WLP project structure, understand many of the libraries or know how to deploy to a WLP domain.

XAER_NOTA : The XID is not valid start() failed on resource '[connection pool]' Error

Error :
java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected exception while enlisting XAConnection java.sql.SQLException: XA error: XAResource.XAER_RMERR start() failed on resource 'TestDataSource': XAER_RMERR : A resource manager error has occured in the transaction branch
weblogic.transaction.internal.ResourceAccessException: Transaction has timed out when making request to XAResource 'TestDataSource'.
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAResourceDescriptor.startResourceUse(
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAServerResourceInfo.start(
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAServerResourceInfo.xaStart(
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAServerResourceInfo.enlist(

Solution :
The solution was that for the JDBC Connection Pools to set the XASetTransactionTimeout to true and XATransactionTimeout to zero ("When this parameter is set to zero, the XAResource Session Timeout will be set to the global transaction timeout.")

See the below links :

To start with Oracle SOA here are some of useful links

Oracle SOA Suite general
Oracle SOA Suite software

Oracle Application Integration Architecture

Oracle Blogs
Oracle Forum
Oracle General
Useful tools
Webservice standards

Weblogic:jdbc: java.sql.SQLException: Transaction timed out after 33 seconds

java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected exception while enlisting XAConnection java.sql.SQLException: Transaction rolled back: Transaction timed out after 33 seconds
at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.enlist(
at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.refreshXAConnAndEnlist(
at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.getConnection(
at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.connect(
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.RmiDataSource.getConnection(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.external.ExternalTransaction.init(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.external.ExternalTransaction.getConnection(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.statement.GeneralStatement.executeQueryForList(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapExecutorDelegate.queryForList(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapExecutorDelegate.queryForList(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapSessionImpl.queryForList(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapClientImpl.queryForList(

Solution :

I increased the JTA default timeout from 30s to 120s and I stopped getting that error.

You can goto the weblogic console (http://localhost:7001/console) and once you login goto ->services->JTA. Hope this helps.

Difference between JSR 168 and JSR 286 portlets

Java Portlet spefication168 (v1.0) has very basic portlet porgramming model and had lot of limitations for portlet development. Java Portlet spefication286 (v2.0) was developed to overcome the shortcomings on v1.0 specs(JSR 168) such as:

1. Inter portlet communicaiton (IPC) - IPC through events and public render parameters
2. Support for WSRP 2.0
3. Public render paremeters - Allows portlets to share parameters with other portlets.
4. Portlet filters and listeners.
5. Resource serving - Provide ability for portlets to server a resource
6. AJAX support

Configure Email Notification in WebLogic Server


If you are administering applications deployed on WebLogic Server or if you are operations personal responsible to manage a WebLogic Server environment you might have at least asked the following question once:

“Can I setup WebLogic Server to send automatic notifications?”

People always ask me whether WebLogic Server can send automatic notifications. My answer is - "Yes, WebLogic Server had always supported SNMP which can be configured to do standard SNMP Trap notifications to your enterprise monitoring system which can then be sent as an email or pager out to administrators". But the next question is - "I don't want to set up SNMP and I want WebLogic Server to directly send notifications. Can we do that?" Again the answer is - "Yes, starting from version 9.x WebLogic Server supports a new framework called WebLogic Diagnostic Framework - WLDF, which can be used for this purpose". Enterprise monitoring solutions like Oracle Enterprise Manager, HP Open View can monitor WebLogic Server from outside and can trigger notification among various other management and monitoring features. But you can also set up WebLogic Server to directly send many types of notifications. Let us see how to simply set up an email notification with WLS in this article.

Oracle WebLogic Server is Java EE certified application server which is the foundation of many Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) implementations. So many enterprises have their mission-critical applications deployed on WebLogic Server. WebLogic provides a scalable and highly available environment. If you are deploying your mission critical applications on Oracle WebLogic Server you can make use of WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) to get diagnostic data from WebLogic Server instances and from applications deployed to them. This will help administrator and system operators to see more information from under the hoods.

This powerful feature will play a significant role in production environment where the application environment should alert operational personal when there is a performance or service level violation. This also eliminates the need to setup custom or third-party monitoring solutions for alerting and notification.

WebLogic Diagnostics Framework – Watch & Notification

One of the features of WLDF is Watch and Notification. You can configure server(s) with watch condition and respective notification(s) to be sent if the watch conditions are met. For example, if the number of request waiting on a JDBC Data Source to grab a connection exceeds 10 and if the free heap in the server is less than 5% then you can trigger a notification. The notification can be one or more of the following types:

  • JMX Notification - Application(s) can register notification listener with WLDF to receive notifications.
  • JMS Notification - WLDF can post a message to JMS destination to alert the situation which can be consumed by a message listener or MDBs to further processing.
  • SNMP Notification - SNMP traps can be sent to alert SNMP managers.
  • SMTP Notification - Email notifications through a Java Mail session.
  • Image Notification - Generates a server image which contains information from different subsystem during the watch.

Figure: 1 WebLogic Domain

You can configure Watch conditions on the MBean data, Log messages and WLDF Event data. The notification can be one or more of the above notifications. Since email notification is a common request, I shall illustrate how to setup WLS to send email notification using an open source SMTP server - The Apache Java Enterprise Mail Server (Apache James). To download Apache James, go to - [or] Download and extract the zip file to a convenient location (Eg. /usr/james-2.3.1rcl/). Start the server using from the bin folder under the JAMES_HOME. Setup a test user in James as per these instructions - The default admin username and password for James are root/root.

Ensure that the James mail server and the administration server for the domain are started. If not, use DOMAIN_HOME/startWebLogic.cmd/sh for starting the administration server of your domain and use JAMES_HOME/bin/run.bat/sh to start James Server. You can use console or WLST to configure the following setting. Let us use the web-based administration console for configuration. Log in to WebLogic Administration Console at - http://localhost:7001/console using an administrative account.

Creating JavaMail Session

First step is to make sure that the underlying resources for the notification are setup. In this case we are going to use SMTP notification so let us first create the Java Mail Session to connect to James Mail Server.

  1. Click "Lock & Edit" to acquire a configuration lock
  2. Expand Services > Mail Sessions and click "New" to create a new Java Mail Session.
  3. Provide Name, JNDI Name and JavaMail Properties as follow:
  4. Name - James-MailSession
  5. JNDI Name - com.test.myjamesMailSession
  6. JavaMail Properties:
  1. Click next to target the mail session to a server (Eg. AdminServer or mgd_s1) and click finish.
  2. Activate the changes by clicking "Activate Changes".

Figure: 2 Configuring JavaMail Session

If you are using a different mail server use appropriate information.

Creating WLDF Module

Next step in configuring watch and notification is to create a diagnostic module and target it to the server. You can use console or WLST to create a diagnostic module. The following steps illustrate the steps to create a WLDF system module:
  1. Click "Lock & Edit" to acquire a configuration lock
  2. Click Diagnostics > Diagnostics Modules and click "New" to create a new diagnostics module. Provide a name and description.
  3. Name - Test_WLDF_Module
  4. Description - This is a WLDF module for testing email notifications
  1. Select the newly created module and select targets tab. Select the appropriate server for target as before
  2. Click "Save" and "Activate"

Figure: 3 Configuring Diagnostic Module

Creating Watch & Notification

Each WebLogic Server instance can be configured with only one diagnostic module but you can target the same diagnostic module to multiple servers or clusters. Once the WLDF system module is created and targeted to the appropriate server then watches and notifications can be configured. The following steps illustrate how to create a Watch and a Notification.
To create a watch:
  1. Click "Lock & Edit" to acquire a configuration lock
  2. Navigate to the diagnostic module created above (Test_WLDF_Module) and select the "Watches and Notifications" tab and "Watches" sub-tab (if not already selected)
  3. Click "New" to create a new Watch. Provide the name and select the type as "Collected Metrics" [Select "Collected Metrics" for inspecting Runtime MBean values, "Server Log" to watch log data and "Event Data" to watch instrumented data]
  4. Name - Heap_Watch
  5. Watch Type - Collected Metrics
  6. Enable Watch - Selected
  7. Click "Next"
  8. Click "Add Expressions"
  9. Ensure that "ServerRuntime" is selected and click "Next"
  10. If you are running WebLogic Server on Java HotSpot VM, make sure "Select an MBean Type from the following list" is selected and select "" and click "Next". If you are using JRockit VM, make sure "Select an MBean Type from the following list" is selected and select " JRockitRuntimeMBean" and click "Next".
  11. Select the instance for the appropriate server from the list for "Instance" and click "Next"
  12. For "Message Attribute" select "HeapFreePercent", "<" for "Operator" and type "85" for "Value". Click "Finish" twice to create a Watch
  13. Activate the changes

Figure: 4-a Configuring Watch

Figure: 4-b Configuring Watch

The above watch will trigger the configured notification if the percentage of free heap is less than 90. You could make complex rule expression by combining multiple attributes from different MBean. For now we haven't configured any notification for this watch. We will create the notification and will associate it to the watch in the following steps.
To create a notification:
  1. Click "Lock & Edit" to acquire a configuration lock
  2. Navigate to the diagnostic module created above and select the "Watches and Notifications" tab and "Notification" sub-tab
  3. Click "New" to create a new Notification
  4. Select "SMTP (E-Mail) for Type and click "Next"
  5. Provide a name - James_Email_Notification. Make sure the notification is enabled and click "Next".
  6. Configure the following properties for the "Config Notification - SMTP Properties" page
  7. Mail Session Name - James-MailSession
  8. E-Mail Recipients - admin@localhost
  1. Click "Finish".
  2. Activate the changes

Figure: 5-a Configuring SMTP Notification

Figure: 5-b Configuring SMTP Notification

To associate the watch and the notification:
  1. Click "Lock & Edit" to acquire a configuration lock
  2. Navigate to the diagnostic module created above (Test_WLDF_Module) and select the "Watches and Notifications" tab and "Watches" sub-tab (if not already selected)
  3. Select the watch you created earlier - Heap_Watch
  4. Select the "Notifications" tab and move the "James_Email_Notification" from Available to Chosen
  5. Click "Save"
  6. Select the "Alarms" tab and select "Use an automatic reset alarm". Set the "Automatic reset period" to 6 and click "Save". This will ensure that the notifications are at least 90 seconds apart.
  7. 5. Click "Activate Changes"
Figure: 6-a Associating Watch and Notification
Figure: 6-b Configuring Alarm
As we configured the watch type to be Collected Metrics, the attributes involved in the watch rule will be harvested and tested for watch rule expression(s). The default sampling period for the harvester is 300,000 milliseconds (or 5 minutes). So the time between samples will be 5 minutes. To change the sampling period for metrics collection:
  1. Click "Lock & Edit" to acquire a configuration lock
  2. Navigate to the diagnostic module created above (Test_WLDF_Module) and select the "Collected Metrics" tab
  3. Ensure that "Enabled' check-box is selected
  4. Change the "Sampling Period" as "120000" so that it will collect samples once every two minute

Figure: 7 Configuring Sampling Period

To receive the notifications sent by WebLogic Server as emails, install and configure an email client like Mozilla Thunderbird. The following is an example of the email received from WebLogic Server:

Using WLST

The configurations that are illustrated using Administration Console here can also be done using WLST. The following script is an example WLST script to configure a Javamail session, WLDF Module, Watch and Notification:

#Connect to the admin sever
#Start a change session
#Create and configure a Javamail session
cmo.setProperties({mail.smtp.user=user;, mail.smpt.password=password;,;, mail.transport.protocol=smtp;})
set('Targets',jarray.array([ObjectName('com.bea:Name=AdminServer,Type=Server')], ObjectName))
#Create and configure a WLDF Module
cmo.setDescription('This is a WLDF module for testing email notifications.')
set('Targets',jarray.array([ObjectName('com.bea:Name=AdminServer,Type=Server')], ObjectName))
#Create and configure a WLDF Watch
#For HotSpot VM
#cmo.setRuleExpression('(${ServerRuntime//[]com.bea:Name=AdminServer,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=JVMRuntime//HeapFreePercent} < 85)')
#For JRockit VM
cmo.setRuleExpression('(${ServerRuntime//[]com.bea:Name=AdminServer,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=JRockitRuntimeMBean//HeapFreePercent} < 85)')
#Create and configure a WLDF SMTP Notification
set('Recipients',jarray.array([String('admin@localhost')], String))
#Associate the watch and notification
set('Notifications',jarray.array([ObjectName('com.bea:Name=James_Email_Notification,Type=weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFSMTPNotificationBean,Parent=[testdomain]/WLDFSystemResources[Test_WLDF_Module],Path=WLDFResource[Test_WLDF_Module]/WatchNotification[Test_WLDF_Module]/SMTPNotifications[James_Email_Notification]')], ObjectName))
#Set the sampling period
#Activate the changes

IDE for WLST Scripting - OEPE

In the past many folks asked me about a GUI based tooling support for WLST. Some people managed to use some Jython tools for WLST but it is not straight forward and supported by Oralce. What you need to author WLST scripts more efficiently is a tooling support to develop WLST Scripts. If you are involved in writing a lot of WLST scripts then you will appreciate this initiative.
Oracle just came up with a OEPE (Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse) based tooling for WLST. Some of the features of this tool are:
* WLST/Jython/Python Source Editor
* Syntax highlighting, validation
* Code completion
* WLST Templates
* MBean Navigator for browsing MBeans
* WLST Execution and Console in Eclipse
* WLST integrated Help
* Support for both online and offline modes
Currently anyone who is authoring WLST scripts must refer to the docs for syntax and samples. This will be a good tool for developers so that they can build WLST Scripts within a comfortable environment - Eclipse/OEPE. Also administrators can benefit from the this tool as there are features like templates, code completion etc. The latest release of OEPE 11gR1 ( comes with this tooling. To find more about the new features of this release see here.